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SS anime versi me

Sunday, April 3, 2016
Posted by Unknown

Plastik adalah salah satu bahan yang dapat kita temui di hampir setiap barang. Mulai dari botol minum, TV, kulkas, pipa pralon, plastik laminating, gigi palsu, compact disk (CD), kutex (pembersih kuku), mobil, mesin, alat-alat militer hingga pestisida. Memang penggunaan plastik sudah tidak dapat terpisahkan dari kehidupan keseharian kita, tak terkecuali untuk kemasan makanan. Di Indonesia belum diterapkan standar penggunaan plastik, masih sebatas himbauan. Berbeda dengan negara maju lainnya misalnya Jepang, telah diterapkan standar penggunaan plastik dan sanksi terhadap pelanggaran penggunaan plastik. Saat ini para pedagang masih kurang sadar akan bahayanya menggunakan plastik pada makanan. Plastik untuk kemasan bahan makanan seharusnya dibuat berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) sehingga lebih aman pada suhu tertentu dan lemak/minyak. Pada plastik untuk kegunaan lainnya, misalnya plastik keresek, hindari pemakainnya dari makanan berminyak dan suhu panas, karena zat-zat adiktif dalam plastik mudah terurai dalam lemak dan panas, apabila terkontaminasi dengan makanan yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, secara akumulaitf pada binatang percobaan dapat mengakitbatkan penyakit kanker, perubahan hormon dan menyebabkan kelahiran berjenis kelamin ganda. Sesungguhnya penggunaan bahan plastik dalam konsumsi makanan tidak perlu ditakutkan, asalkan kita tahu cara menggunakannya dengan benar. Tidak hanya pada makanan, plastik juga menyebabkan lingkungan menjadi tercemar dan tidak sehat akibat kurangnya kesadaran pengguna plastik yang masih saja sering membuang sembarang tempat.
Agar kita dapat terhindar dari bahaya plastik, mari kita ikuti tips berikut ini.
1. Misalnya kita ingin membeli air mineral ataupun minuman lainnya, kita dapat membawanya dari rumah agar lebih higienis.
2. Perhatikan tanggal kadaluwarsa makanan, jangan dikonsumsi bila tanggal kadaluwarsa telah lewat batas, begitu pula bila ada kejanggalan rasa atau aroma serta penampilan pada makanan (maupun minuman) meskipun batas kadaluwarsa belum terlewati. Biasanya hal tersebut juga berdampak pada plastik yang digunakan.
3. Memanaskan kembali makanan yang telah dibeli menggunakan plastik, lalu tempatkan pada wadah yang lain. Akan tetapi, tidak semua makanan dapat dipanaskan, hanya makanan tertentu saja.
4. Bila ingin memilih plastik lemas (fleksibel) untuk penutup makanan pilihlah yang dilabelnya tertera polietilen.
5. Pada saat disekolah jika kita ingin membeli makanan, seperti siomay, bakso, ataupun makanan ringan lainnya. Kita bisa meminta pedagang untuk memberi kita wadah yang lain atau kita dapat membawa wadah dari rumah.

Tips menghindari bahaya plastik by me

Thursday, March 31, 2016
Posted by Unknown

A long time ago there was a kingdom called Janggala, king of the Kingdom are named Raden Putra. Raden Putra has an empress who was so good and beautiful concubine. However, the Consort envied the Empress and he planned bad things to the Empress.

"It should be that the empress was me, and I have to find a way to be rid of the Empress". Said concubines.

Concubines have a way to get rid of the Empress by working together with the royal physician. Concubine malingering and immediately called the royal physician. The physician also said that there were poisoned drinks concubine.

"The man was none other than the Empress King himself". Said the physician.

The king was angry when doctors say such a thing and immediately ordered a governor to dispose consort to the forest.

The order was immediately executed. But the grand vizier did not want to kill him because he knows that all of this is a bad intentions concubines.

"Princess do not worry, I will preach to the king if you were already a slave daughter to kill". Said the vice regent.

The grand vizier was finally killed a rabbit to grease the blade so that the King did not suspect her.
When he was a few months, was born a boy who was so handsome and intelligent named Cindelaras. One day when he was playing an Eagles dropped an egg.
Afterwards three weeks, the eggs finally hatched, chicken, growing at a nice and very strong. But there is one oddity on a rooster that is so amazing.

"Kukuruyuuuuk ... lord Cindelaras, His house is in the middle of the jungle, the roof of palm leaves, his father Raden Putra". Said the chicken.

Cindelaras was amazed and showed it to his mother. Cindelaras mother then told him everything. Later he found out his mother's story, Cindelaras determined to come to the palace.

he finally went to the rooster in the company, but on the way there are people who are being pitted chicken

"Hey, if you ever let stir it with my chicken was a chicken. said they

"OK". Thread Cindelaras.

but apparently Cindelaras chicken was so tough and he could defeat all the chickens. And news about the chicken Cindelaras it up to his ear Raden son and he was sent to the king cinderalas

"Servant facing Excellency". said Cindelaras

"This child was so handsome too intelligent, it seems he is not a descendant of the common people". Thought the king.

The King asked for his chicken to fight together rooster belonged to the raden on the condition that if the rooster Cindelaras lose then head Cindelaras must be willing to at decapitation, but if the chicken wins dri then half the wealth of the King will belong Cindelaras.

Both rooster that was fighting, but in a short time turned out to be chicken king lost.

"Okay, I admit defeat. But who are you young man? "Asked the King.

"Kukuruyuuuuk ... lord Cindelaras, his house in the middle of the jungle, the roof of palm leaves, his father Raden Putra". said Sang chicken

"Is that true?". The Raden said.

"Yes Sire, name Cindelaras servant, a slave mother was the Empress king". Cindelaras said.

Then the grand vizier approached and told everything to the king what happened to the empress.

"I will give just punishment to my mistress." The Raden said.

The concubine Raden was throwing it into the forest, thus the Raden apologized for his mistake. Raden Putra finally picked consort to the forest. And when Raden Putra died, Cindelaras be a substitute for the king. He ruled his country wisely too fair.

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